Anger Management

One of the things registered psychotherapist Clarence Baptiste always says is, every good and excellent thing stands moment by moment on the razors edge of danger and must be fought for. In the “Done With Anger” One-Day Intensive Anger Management Class we coach you to confront what you’re really fighting for. And, I want to ask you that question right now. What are you fighting for in your life, in your relationship, at your work, and at your school?

Certainly, there is a place for fighting. But where is that place and what is it that you should be fighting for? Is it something good and excellent? Are you fighting for something of real value? Or are you fighting for something that is fleeting, empty and meaningless, with absolutely no value. How would you know anyway?

Those are great questions, aren’t they? Here’s how you would know. Consider this, before you were born you weren’t fighting and after you die you won’t be fighting. So, if you must fight in between those two dates, during the time when you do exist, why not make it something worth fighting for? If you really must fight, then fight for something of long lasting value. Fight for something that really makes a difference in society. And fight for something that will impact the world around you for the better.