Depression and How to Cope with It

There comes a time in our lives that we feel down or low. But these don’t last for long periods of time. If it does and already affects your general well-being and behavior, you may be having a depression.

What is depression?

Depression is also called as sadness or blues which is a kind of illness just like hypertension and diabetes. It is also defined as mood disorder and you may feel certain symptoms such as lethargy, lower sex drive, or gaining or losing weight. It can also affect the way you think, making it hard for you to concentrate or make decisions. Depression can make you irritable or short-tempered.

If you think that depression is a sign of personal weakness, then you’re wrong. It is serious and can’t be easily removed and the people who suffer from this can’t simply get up and fix it.

Too much depression can be linked to suicidal cases, thus it is a serious condition that should be addressed and treated as it is life-threatening. It can also affect your work, career, relationships, and people around you.